NEVERLAND: A Forever Young Story
Event Description
Enter a noisy, boisterous bedroom in London (modern day). Mrs Darling needs to diffuse the situation (and fast), so she dusts off the old “Peter Pan” novel her Nana gave to her as a child and preps her voice for what would turn out to be her most important storytelling moment to date; she had to do something to get all these crazy teens to chill the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out at her daughter’s 13th slumber party. Who’s idea was a slumber party? Anyways, after a very beautiful and dramatic reading of the book, the children finally calm down enough to drift off to a deep slumber where their dreams are magically (and quite literally) lifted to Neverland, the place where Peter Pan is king. They encounter many friends and several foes (all the characters you know and love from the book…and then some) and experience the most thrilling escapades across space and time! Will their desire to stay young forever overshadow their need to be loved and cared for, like Peter’s own desires in the book? Or is home where the heart is?